Venezuela sends foreign minister to the VII Summit of CELAC

The Venezuelan government has sent its foreign minister to represent Caracas at the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which is being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In a statement, the Venezuelan government denounced a plan drawn up by the neo-fascist right wing to carry out a series of aggressions against the Venezuelan delegation headed by President Nicolás Maduro.  According to the communiqué, the purpose is “to mount a deplorable ‘show’ in order to disrupt the positive effects of such an important regional meeting, and thus contribute to the discrediting campaign -already a failure- that has been launched against our country by the U.S. empire.”

In view of this, the Venezuelan Government reportedthat the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, would represent the South American country in the summit.  The text states that the top diplomat has been instructed to bring “the voice of the Venezuelan people before the highest instance of the CELAC, as well as to carry out the necessary interactions that will be developed among the 33 delegations present at this meeting, at all levels.”

The government highlighted the historical and strategic importance of holding the VII Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).  “As a founding State we place ourselves in the front line to take care of the success of our main mechanism for regional union and integration in favor of our peoples,” he explained.

Likewise, the government of Venezuela thanked the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, for the cordial invitation and his firm position to guarantee the success of this meeting.
