Saudi Fund for Development collaborates with the city of Cuba

Representatives of the Saudi Fund for Development evaluated collaboration projects in the Cuban city of Santa Clara today for the rehabilitation of the aqueduct, sewers and stormwater networks.

The meeting between the Arab entity and the top managers of the Provincial Delegation of Water Resources of the Cuban province of Villa Clara, was chaired by Alberto López, Governor of the territory.

At the conclave, an evaluation of the rehabilitation project of the water networks of the city of Santa Clara was presented, which includes water supply, waste disposal and storm drainage, specifically in the area that includes the Minerva-Ochoíta pumping system.

Lizardo González, provincial delegate of Water Resources, told the visitors that with a minimum of financing, around fifty percent of the city could benefit in terms of water supply, sewer arrangements and elimination of flooding areas.

González stressed that the Saudi Fund already has very beneficial working relations with Cuba in cities such as Havana, Sancti Spíritus and Camagüey, and they also showed interest in collaborating with Santa Clara.

The Saudi Fund for Development was established as a government institution charged with providing support, through soft development loans, to finance projects in countries and contribute to economic and social growth in those nations.
