Muere en Dos Ríos, el apóstol José Martí.

Historical dates of Cuba in the month of May

DayYear   Historical dates of Cuba in the month of May
11961Nationalization of private schools. Inauguration of Radio Havana-Cuba Radio Station.
21959Commander in Chief Fidel Castro attended the 21’s meeting.
31960Arrival to Sierra Maestra Mountain Range of the first voluntary teachers.
51895Meeting of Jose Marti, Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo in La Mejorana.
71797Birth in Bayamo of Jose Antonio Saco.
1839Jose Maria Heredia died in Mexico.
1870Patriot Domingo Goicuria garroted to death.
81796Introduction in Cuba of sugar cane, under the name of Otahiti or Tahiti.
1935Murder of Antonio Guiteras Holmes in El Morrillo, Matanzas.
1967Cuban revolutionary Antonio Briones Montoto killed in Venezuelan seashore.
101869Guaimaro burned.
111873Major General Ignacio Agramonte killed in the fields of Jimaguayu.
151795Foundation of San Antonio Abad or San Antonio de los Baños.
1955Fidel and his comrades in arms in the attack to Moncada Garrison released from prison.
1956Assassination of young revolutionary Ruben Aldama.
161938Opening edition of newspaper “HOY.”
1961Foundation of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP).
171959The Land Reform Act enacted from “La Plata”, Sierra Maestra.
1962Foundation of the Institute of History.
191895Death in Dos Rios of Apostle Jose Marti.
201902Inauguration of the rogue Republic, under Tomas Estrada Palma’s presidency.
1912Beginning of the so-called “War of the Colored Independents.” The rebels were horrible massacred.
221765Birth of economist Francisco de Arango y Parreño.
1903Signing of Cuba-USA Permanent Treaty. The Yankees imposed and enforced the Platt Amendment for many years, until 1934.
231866Birth of academician Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda.
241957Landing of expeditionaries aboard the boat “Corinthia.”
251848Attempted annexation of Cuba by James K. Polk.
261964Inauguration of the “Felipe Poey” Museum of Natural History at the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
281957Victory of the rebels against the tyranny forces in the battle of El Uvero. The expeditionaries of the boat “Corinthia” were slaughtered in Cabonico.
291586Pirate Francis Drake sails in sight of Havana Port.
1934Platt Amendment repealed.
311898US Navy shelled Santiago de Cuba City and interfered in the Spanish-Cuban War.
Note:International Mother’s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of this month.
(Translated by: Pedro A. Fanego)
