Landing of Granma Yacht.

Historical dates of Cuba in the month of December

DayYear   Historical dates of Cuba in the month of December
11958Signing of El Pedrero Covenant between the M-26-7 (July 26 Movement) and the Revolutionary Directory 13 de Marzo (March 13) in Escambray Mountain Range. Both organizations made an appeal for the unity of the revolutionary forces in the former province of Las Villas, signed by Che Guevara and Faure Chaumon.
21873Maximo Gomez successfully waged the battle of Palo Seco, in Camagüey.
1956Landing of Granma Yacht.
1959Establishment of the Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR).
1958Student Fulgencio Oroz was arrested and disappeared thereafter.
31833Birth in Camagüey of scientist Carlos J. Finlay, who discovered the infecting agent of the yellow fever.
51956Granma expeditionaries fought the battle of Alegria de Pio.
71896Death in battle of Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo and his assistant Francisco Gomez Toro, Panchito. Day of the martyrs of our Independence Wars. In 1989 it was established as a Day of Tribute to our combatants killed in internationalist missions.
1993Foundation of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution (ACRC).
91931Birth in Artemisa of Ciro Redondo, assailant of Moncada Garrison and Granma expeditionary. He was killed in the battle of Marverde.
101898Signing of Paris Treaty. The Yankees ignored the Cubans and also seized Puerto Rico, Guam and The Philippines.
111898Death of Major General Calixto Garcia Iñiguez
1957Murder of student Renato Recio.
131957Fidel sent a letter where the M-26-7 rejected the Miami Pact, subscribed by most of the parties that opposed Fulgencio Batista.
141911Birth in Encrucijada, Las Villas, of Jesus Menendez Larrondo, union leader of sugar industry workers.
151895Battle of Mal Tiempo, successfully led by Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo.
1956Murder of Juan Manuel Marquez, second in command of the Granma Yacht expeditionaries.
171975The first Congress of Cuban Communist Party (PCC) was opened in the “Karl Marx” theater.
181958Fidel and Raul met in Jiguani to start the 4th stage of the offensive in the II Eastern Front.
191936Death in battle in Spain of Cuban Pablo de la Torriente Brau, internationalist revolutionary.
201899Birth in Alquizar, the present Havana Province, of Ruben Martinez Villena, outstanding intellectual and revolutionary.
211830Birth of Bartolome Maso, General of the Liberation Army.
221961Cuba declared Territory Free of Illiteracy. Educator’s Day.
231841Birth of Major General Ignacio Agramonte, El Mayor.
1956From this day to the 26th, many revolutionaries and communist militants were slain in the North-East of the country. These events are sadly remembered as the Bloody Easter.
241992Death of Commander Faustino Perez Hernandez.
261665Sancti Spiritus City looted by pirate Pierre Le Grand.
271868Carlos Manuel de Cespedes signed the Decree in Arms for the abolition of slavery.
291895Battle of Coliseo, Matanzas. Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo defeated Spanish General Arsenio Martinez Campos.
301958Death in the battle of Santa Clara of Roberto Rodriguez Fernandez, El Vaquerito, chief of the suicidal platoon of Column No.8 Ciro Redondo.
1977Fidel Castro spoke at the inauguration ceremony of Havana-Santa Clara railroad fast track.
311958The town of Yaguajay was taken by troops led by Camilo Cienfuegos. The city of Santa Clara was also taken by forces under Che Guevara’s command.
1960First large mobilization of Revolutionary Armed Forces after the triumph of the Revolution. A general mobilization was decreed in light of a threat of US invasion.
1945Foundation of the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF in Spanish).
1824Battle of Ayacucho, end of Spanish rule in Peru.
(Translated by: Pedro A. Fanego)
