February is considered by many people to be the most special month of the year. There are many reasons to say so, because it is 28 days only, first of all. It also add one to your calendar every four years. The reason for this particular change is to correct the existing gap with the tropical year, which is 365 days, 5 hours and 47 minutes. As a consequence of this retouching, leap years have to include 24 hours more than February, thus avoiding that the astronomical and chronological dates stop coinciding. As it has 28 days, February is the only one in the calendar to have four exact weeks, with the exception of leap years. Over the years, it can be seen that in that month the winter season gradually comes to an end, as the cold weather fades, giving way to occasional heat waves, a clear indication that spring is near. Nevertheless, as for the agricultural sector, it still represents a season in which great care must be taken due to the effects of the still low temperatures. February is the second month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with 28 days in regular years and 29 in leap years. The Gregorian calendar originated from a first study carried out in 1515 by scientists from the University of Salamanca, and from a second study in 1578. The Gregorian calendar originates from Europe, currently used officially in almost the entire world, named after its promoter, Pope Gregory XIII, who promulgated its use through a related Inter Gravissimas document. Starting in 1582, it gradually replaced the Julian calendar in different countries, used since Julius Caesar established it in the year 46 BC. The Julian calendar was basically the Egyptian calendar, which established the length of the year at 365.25 days. According to a verified website, the first countries to adopt the current calendar were those dependent on the Hispanic Monarchy of King Felipe II, that is to say, Spain and its viceroyalties in America, the Philippine islands, the states of the Italian peninsula, the present-day Italy and Portugal, then it was also adopted under the Spanish Crown and the Italian states dependent on the Holy See in 1582. However, the Great Britain Kingdom and its American colonies did not do so until 1752. The word February comes from the Latin word "Februare", which comes from Februo, which means ´to cleanse´. This month was named in this way because in that month the Romans performed certain religious rites dedicated to Pluto, with the aim of achieving purity. In every month, there is at least one full moon day, but February skips that fact. Every certain number of years, it passes completely without being any of it. The February flower is the Iris. Its tonalities represent faith, courage, wisdom and hope. In Ancient Greece, Iris was the messenger of the gods, symbolizing the bond between heaven and earth. The gemstone for the month of February is amethyst due to the intensity of its violet color; protective properties are attributed to it, turning negative energies into positive ones. People born in that month are sincere, empathic, intuitive, sensitive and patient. Their zodiac sign is Aquarius (born between January 21st and February 19th) and Aquarium, born between February 20th and March 20th. The ancient Romans considered that the months of January and February did not deserve to have a name, since they were the winter period. February is a festive month in many parts of the world, as a Carnival is celebrated. Originally, its purpose was to seize the moment to have fun and celebrate before Lent began. Likewise, the carnival ends with Ash Wednesday, which marks the first of the 40 days before Holy Week, a time of sacrifice and austerity. The curious name of 'leap year' – the name by which years that include 29 days in the month of February are designated – comes from the Latin ´bis sextus dies´, an extra day added by the Emperor Julius Caesar between the 23rd and February 24th. The last year that included 29 days was 2012. The month of February is the only one in the Gregorian calendar that does not have 30 or 31 days, since it only consists of 28. For some time, it was believed that it was because César Augusto removed two days to add them to the month that bore his name (August), without However, this is a myth, since the fact that February has 28 days is only the result of the various changes that the calendar has undergone since its creation. Added to this, it is the fact that at the beginning of the month January and February did not exist in the calendar and after multiple modifications, the months remained as we know them now with their respective particularities. Something that features this month is those important events that are commemorated such as, among others, the world day on human fraternity, Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, Bob Marley Day, Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, World Day of Social Justice, International Mother Language and Cochlear Implant Day. We are in February, known as one of the coldest months of the Cuban winter, however; once again it is verified that in Cuba it is always summer, as felt during the pleasant temperatures of these days and the blue sky that covers us say so. By Teresa Valenzuela García