Saint Kitts and Nevis strengthens ties of friendship with Cuba

Terrance M. Drew, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, met in Basseterre with diplomats from the Cuban embassy and some members of the Cuban Medical Brigade.

The exchange took place in the context of the 28th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the 60th anniversary of the Cuban international medical collaboration.

The headquarters of the Government of that Federation was the scene of the meeting called by the also head of the Ministry of Health, who thanked for Cuba’s collaboration, mainly in health.

For his part, Cuban ambassador David Rivero conveyed his gratitude for the support of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the fight against the US economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba. In addition, he reiterated Cuba’s commitment to continue collaborating with that sister nation.

The occasion was propitious to welcome four health professionals who recently joined the Cuban Medical Brigade.
