7th Festival of Social Communication inaugurated in Havana

The 7th Festival of Social Communication was inaugurated this Tuesday at the Casa del Alba in Havana, in the context of the 33rd anniversary of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS).

Rosa María Pérez Gutiérrez, national president of the ACCS, said that the meeting was based on the improvement of the union’s managers, professionals and technicians.

Pérez highlighted that the festival is the first to be held after the approval of the Social Communication Law in the country, which is why different types of audiences need to be taken into account to achieve adequate implementation.

The event were dedicated to the work of the ACCS and to the bases of the transition to a qualitatively higher stage due to the existence of the law itself.

The Espacio Awards were presented to the renowned academic Hilda Saladrigas Medina; to Marlene Vázquez Pérez, director of the Center for Martí Studies; and to Humberto Juan Fabián Suárez, president of the Country Brand Council, who have dedicated their lives to the service of communication.

Recognition was also granted to Pérez, who recently received the distinction of Ambassador of Public Relations, granted by the Council of Directors of the Inter-American Confederation of Public Relations.

The National Association of Social Communicators is a social organization with great impact on the development of the country.
