Beginning of the 10 Years War. Cespedes’ cry of freedom in La Demajagua.

Historical dates of Cuba in the month of October

DayYear   Historical dates of Cuba in the month of October
11954Jose Antonio Echevarria was elected president of the Federation of University Students
31961Murder of literacy teacher Delfin Sen Cedre.
1965Foundation of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party.
41896Victory of the liberation army in the battle of Ceja del Negro.
1921Foundation of Havana Workers Federation.
1963The revolutionary government passed the Second Law of Land Reform.
Devastating hurricane “Flora” struck the former province of Oriente.
61958Commanders Camilo Cienfuegos and Che Guevara crossed the Jucaro fortress-line.
1976A Cuban airliner that carried 73 people blown off in mid-flight. All members of the national junior fencing team, the crew and other passengers, including Cuban citizens, perished. The crime was perpetrated by counterrevolutionary thugs.
81871Rescue of Brigadier Julio Sanguily by troops under Major General Ignacio Agramonte’s command.
1960Foundation of the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP).
1967Battle of Quebrada del Yuro. Commander Ernesto Che Guevara captured and assassinated by the Bolivian Army. Cuban guerilla fighters Orlando Pantoja Tamayo, Rene Martinez Tamayo and Alberto Fernandez Montes de Oca were also killed.
101868Beginning of the 10 Years War. Cespedes’ cry of freedom in La Demajagua.
1958Foundation of IV Rebel Front “Simon Bolivar.”
Land Reform enacted in La Plata, Sierra Maestra Mountain Range, for the territories liberated by the Rebel Army.
111868Cespedes liberated the town of Yara. First battle of the Liberation Army.
121967Internationalist Fighter Octavio de la Concepcion de la Pedraja killed in Bolivia.
131960Nationalization of foreign banks and private banks in Cuba.
141960First Law of Land Reform passed by the revolutionary government.
151923Opening of the first Students’ National Congress, organized and led by Julio Antonio Mella. One of its resolutions was the foundation of the foundation of “Jose Marti People’s University.”
161953Commander in Chief Fidel Castro acted as his own lawyer in the trial for the events of Moncada Garrison.
1959Foundation of the Ministry of Armed Forces (MINFAR).
171948Assassination of dock workers union leader Aracelio Iglesias.
201868Independence troops, led by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, captured Bayamo City.
1927Birth in Encrucijada of Abel Santamaria, heroic assailant of Moncada Garrison.
211948Murder of Sabino Pupo Milian, leader of Camagüey peasants.
1980Establishment of the National Day of Culture.
211896Spanish Governor Valeriano Weyler passed the Concentration Decree.
1960Merging of Cuban Youth Movement.
221865First edition of the first Cuban weekly proletarian publication “La Aurora” (The Dawn).
1895The Liberation Army started the East-West Invasion. Major General Antonio Maceo took off from Mangos de Baragua.
1962Beginning of the October Crisis (Missiles Crisis). The revolutionary government decreed combat alarm.
231887Death of engineer Francisco Albear, builder of Havana City water supply system.
241960Nationalization of US firms in Cuba, in response to the blockade decreed by US government.
251983Cuban construction workers fought against Yankee militaries that raided Granada.
261868First machete charge of the Liberation (Mambi) Army in Pinos de Baire. (Most of the slaves liberated in the war joined the Liberation Army and used their former working tool as a lethal weapon)
1959Foundation of the National Revolutionary Militia. Unforgettable Commander Camilo Cienfuegos made his last speech.
271492Christopher Columbus discovered the Island of Cuba.
281812Birth in San Diego de Nuñez of novel writer Cirilo Villaverde.
1896General Calixto Garcia captured the city of Guaimaro.
1959Commander Camilo Cienfuegos’ plane disappeared in mid-flight.
291897Adoption of Yara Constitution, the last of the Republic in Arms.
1956The tyranny massacred a group of students that had sought refuge in the Embassy of Haiti.
311897Salvador Cisneros Betancourt handed over the presidency of the Republic in Arms to Bartolome Maso.
1958Camilo Cienfuegos captured the Venegas Garrison with his Column No.2.
(Translated by: Pedro A. Fanego)
